Upload Multiple Galleries
Upload Gallery per image
Upload one folder with as many images inside as you require. A gallery will be created for each image. Passwords are randomly generated for you.
- Login to your SimplePhoto account.
- Click on the Import tab located at the top of the dashboard.
- Click on the Upload Gallery per Image link.
- Select the folder where the desired images are located using the tree pane on the left-hand side. We recommend that you upload images directly from your computer's hard drive, not a network drive or DVD.
- Select the images you would like to upload. To select all images, click the checkbox next to the folder name in the top bar.
- If you want to upload files from other folders, repeat the steps above.
- Click the --Upload-- button.
- Galleries will be associated with your default price list. This is found inside Price List Settings, from the Settings pane on your Dashboard. CLICK HERE to learn how to associate your galleries to a different price list.
Upload Gallery per directory
Upload multiple folders. A gallery will be created for each folder. Passwords can be randomly assigned or based on part of each folder's name. Images will be resized if necessary.
Note: Before uploading, you'll have one master folder on your computer with a folder of images for each gallery you would like to create.
- Login to your SimplePhoto account.
- Click on the Import tab located at the top of the dashboard.
- Click on the Upload Gallery per Directory link.
- Enter the Folder Name. For school photography, it's usually the School Name. Enter a folder-level password, that you or the school's admin, for example, could use to login to see ALL galleries inside. If no admin level password is needed, leave this field blank.
- Click on the Show Advanced Settings link and select the Gallery Password option that works for you: Random, Same as gallery name or name of folder, Custom Password - name folder the gallery name and password separated by ~ character (Example: Smith,Jason~JS893756).
- Check the box Make all new galleries private if you do not want the folder to be publicly accessible from your storefront.
- Select Folder, navigate to where the images are located on your computer and select the parent folder containing your folders for each gallery. Make sure to add the parent folder and not the folders for each gallery of images inside. Note: Do not drag and drop your images into the uploader as this can result in an error.
- Click the Upload button.
- Galleries will be associated with your default price list. This is found inside Price List Settings, from the Settings pane on your Dashboard. CLICK HERE to learn how to associate your galleries to a different price list.
Note: To download password information after is upload is complete, click on the "Galleries" tab located at the top of your dashboard. Click on the "Folder Control Panel" button located next to the Folder Name you want to work with. Scroll down and click on one of the report buttons to download.
Note: If you're a lab customer wanting automated order fulfillment, the lab must upload on your behalf.