How You Collect

With SimplePhoto, you collect your own money from your customers at the time of the sale.

Available Payment Gateways

There are 5 payment gateway options for collecting credit cards online with SimplePhoto: Square, Stripe, Paypal, and USAepay.
Click the links below for details and set-up instructions regarding each payment gateway option:

Payment Service Provider Comparison

Different payment gateways are appropriate for different businesses.  The following is an informal list of the benefits and downsides we see for the different payment gateways offered. 

Option 1 - Square 

(only available in the SimplePhoto 2.0 Shopping Cart)


  • Zero setup cost and speedy implementation.
  • Merchant Account not needed to begin collecting funds online.
  • Transactions are completed within the photographer shopping cart.


  • Higher credit card transaction charges in some cases.

Option 2 - Stripe


  • Zero setup cost and speedy implementation.
  • Merchant Account not needed to begin collecting funds online.
  • Transactions are completed within the photographer shopping cart.


  • Higher credit card transaction charges in some cases.

Option 3 - PayPal


  • Zero setup cost and speedy implementation.
  • Merchant Account not needed to begin collecting funds online


  • Your customers will leave your shopping cart at the end of their purchase and be transferred to your PayPal account for payments. This is slightly less streamlined than the, Stripe, or Square options.
  • Higher credit card transaction charges in some cases.

Option 4 - is a great way for collecting funds online if you already have a Merchant Account and you have a high order volume.


  • Transactions are completed within the photographer shopping cart.
  • Lower credit card transaction charges in most cases.


  • Photographer must have a merchant account in order to acquire an gateway from their Merchant Bank.
  • Setting up a merchant account can take several days to complete.
  • Setup cost and monthly fee