Stripe setup in SimplePhoto

  1. Sign up with Stripe on .
  2. Obtain your Stripe Live Publishable Key and Live Secret Key.  See for information on obtaining these keys.  Please make sure they keys do not start with "pk_test" or "sk_test", since those are keys used for testing.
  3. Login to your SimplePhoto account.  Click on the How you Collect link in the My Account section of the Dashboard.
  4. In the Payment Gateway section, select the Stripe payment gateway option.
  5. Provide your Live Publishable Key and Live Secret Key in the fields provided.
  6. Click the Update button.

Steps to test the Stripe integration:

  1. Obtain your Stripe Test Publishable Key and Test Secret Key.  See for information on obtaining these keys.
  2. Enter your Test Publishable Key and Test Secret Key in the How You Collect screen in SimplePhoto.
  3. Submit one or more test orders using one of Stripe's test credit card numbers. View a list of test credit card numbers here:
  4. If for some reason your test orders are not successful, copy and paste the error message text (including the "Specific Error:" line) into a new support request. Use the Contact Technical Support link in the Help tab of your SimplePhoto account to submit a support request.
  5. Notify SimplePhoto of this testing so that the test orders will be removed from your account. Use the Contact Technical Support link in the Help tab of your SimplePhoto account to send the specific order numbers to be removed
  6. Don't forget to replace your Test keys with your Live Stripe keys in the How You Collect screen.