Uploading exports to SimplePhoto using FTP

In some cases, using an FTP program is a more efficient way to upload a high volume of jobs to SimplePhoto. Please contact our support team if you have questions about using FTP to upload jobs to SimplePhoto.

On Windows, SimplePhoto recommends the FTP programs WinSCP or FileZilla.  Both programs are well established free open source software programs and have been in use for many years.  WinSCP offer the ability to run continuously and keep a local folder in sync with an FTP folder.  

Below are some basic instructions on using WinSCP:

Download WinSCP from the site http://winscp.net/eng/download.php
Run the WinSCP program installer.

Open WinSCP
In the "File Protocol:" menu, select "FTP".
Use the Host Name, User name, and password values provided by SimplePhoto.
Click the "Save" button.  
  In the "Site Name" text box, type "SimplePhoto Imports".
  Click the "Save Password" checkbox if you'd like the program to remember your password.
  Click the "Create desktop shortcut" checkbox to have the program create a desktop shortcut to make accessing this FTP folder easy to do in the future.
Click the "Login" button to open the FTP site.
In the "Local" menu, click "Go To -> Open Directory/Bookmark".  Click the "Browse" button and navigate to the folder on your computer that will hold all of your export folders (e.g. C:\SimplePhotoExports).  Click "OK" to open the folder.
You can drag folders from your computer on the left hand side to the FTP site on the right hand side.  
You can also right-click on a folder on a folder on the left hand side and click the "Upload" menu option.
To have jobs uploaded automatically when they are added to the folder on your computer, click the "Commands" menu and then select "Keep Remote Directory up to Date...".  Check the "Continue on error" checkbox and un-check the "Synchronize on start" checkbox.
Click the "Start" button.  While this synchronization process is running, any folders added on your computer will automatically be transferred to the FTP site.  Click the "Minimize" button to minimize the program but keep the synchronization process running.  Click the arrow next to the "Minimize" button and select "Minimize to System Tray" in order to make the program icon go to the system tray.