Create a Watermark

SimplePhoto helps you securely display your images online. In addition to being right-click, save, copy, and print disabled, SimplePhoto allows you to watermark your images. SimplePhoto's support team provides complimentary custom watermark creation for photographers that do not have their own watermark.  

While we make every attempt to prevent users from downloading your images, please be aware that it is impossible to completely prevent image downloads. Therefore, it is important that you apply a sufficient watermark to fully protect your images.

Please note: Watermarks are generated when a gallery is uploaded. Changing watermark properties does not affect existing galleries.

Watermark Types

There are two types of image watermarks. We recommend only applying one to your account.

  1. Embedded Watermark - this file will be embedded on your images during upload and provides the most security. Greenscreen images do not preview very well with embedded watermarks. We recommend that the watermark image should be a transparent and opaque PNG image. The watermark image must be a PNG, GIF, or JPG file and no larger than 150kb in size. This watermark is not retroactive and will only apply to new galleries.
  2. Embedded Text Watermark - applies transparent text over the images and keeps consistent placement on vertical and horizontal images. If you are using a Text Watermark, we recommend  text that will clearly define who you are, such as “” or “copyright smith photo.” This watermark is not retroactive and will only apply to new galleries.

Add a Watermark to your account

  1. From the Dashboard in the Settings pane, click on Watermark Settings.
  2. Click Choose File next to the Watermark Image option to upload a custom watermark.
  3. If you chose not to upload a custom watermark image, please type in the text to appear on your images next to Watermark Text.

Saving a PNG Watermark

See the attached image below, WM-mystudio.png, as a reference.

  1. Open Photoshop. Select 'File' >> 'New'.
  2. Create a New canvas sized 450 pixels wide by 600 pixels high. The resolution should be 150 pixels/inch. The background MUST be TRANSPARENT. Now click OK and your new canvas will appear on your screen.
  3. Select 'Window' >> 'Layers'. A 'Layers' dialog box will appear in the lower right corner of your screen. This will allow you to customize the appearance of your watermark.
  4. Select the 'T' (Type) tool from your toolbar
  5. Choose WHITE as your text color from the color block in the menu bar across the top of your screen.
  6. Select your font. Choose a strong, bold font which will be easy to read. Avoid heavily serifed and scripted fonts. Now place your cursor over the canvas you created and CLICK. This will activate the text tool. Type your watermark text now. We suggest that your watermark text say “COPYRIGHT” or “WWW.YOURSTUDIO.COM”.
  7. In your Layers window, select the Opacity slider and reduce the opacity to 45%. This will allow your image to be viewable through your watermark text.
  8. Now select 'File' >> 'Save As' to save your file.
  9. The 'Save As' window will open in the center of your screen. Name your file, select the location to which you would like it to be saved, and choose Format: PNG (*.PNG).
  10. Specify the PNG watermark image you created as the 'Watermark Image' in the SimplePhoto Photographer Information form in your Settings page. Now, when your customer views their photographs online, they will see a watermarked image. You may choose to lower or raise the opacity, or to choose a thinner or thicker font.