Archive Price Lists

To archive, but not delete, unused price lists that are outdated or from a previous season, follow the instructions below:

  1. Click Price Lists at the top of your dashboard.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the green link for View/Edit Archived Price Lists. This will allow you to view all price lists, including archived price lists.
  3. Check the checkbox(es) next to the price list name(s) that you would like to archive. 
    • You may also uncheck boxes next to any price list name to unarchive a previously archived price list. 
    • Scroll down to the bottom of the page and check the box next to Select All if you would like to select all price lists to be archived. Clicking Select All a second time will deselect all boxes.
  4. Click the Archive Selected button at the bottom of the page to archive the selected price lists. 
  5. You will then see a message at the top of the screen that reads, "Archived Price Lists updated." You will also notice that on the Price Lists screen, the archived price lists no longer appear.
  6. If you click on the View/Edit Archived Price Lists again, you will see that any archived price lists appear with a blue checkbox. You may also unarchive price lists by unchecking the box next to the price list name and then scroll down and click the Archive Selected button again.

Even though a price list has been archived, it will still maintain its association to any previously associated gallery or prepay event. If you would like to switch galleries associated to an archived price list, please see this help file.