Self-fulfilled Products

The "Self-fulfilled Product Alert" feature can only be enabled by SimplePhoto Direct customers. If your SimplePhoto account is inside one of our lab partners, this setting must be adjusted by your lab administrator.

The "Self-fulfilled Product Alert" feature allows photographers to receive a special notification when a specific product is ordered. An email will be sent to a specific self-fulfillment notification email address when an order is placed containing a product set as a "Self-fulfilled Product". 

Set a Product to be a Self-fulfilled Product:

  1. Click on the Price Lists tab.
  2. Click on the Lab Products link.
  3. Click the Edit Products button next to the lab product group containing the self-fulfilled product. Click the Edit button next to the product you would like to enable the self-fulfilled setting.
  4. Scroll down and check the box next to Self-Fulfilled Product.
  5. Click Update.
  6. Then associate the product in your price list with the corresponding lab product. Self-fulfilled products are supported for most product types (a-la-carte products, package products, package add-on products, threshold products, and check-out products).

Note: See the How to setup Lab Products article for more information on building and associating lab products.

Add Self-Fulfilled Product Alert Email

  1. Click on the Photographer Information link from your SimplePhoto Dashboard.
  2. Enter in the email you wish to use for the self-fulfilled product alerts in the Self-fulfilled Product Alert Email text entry field.
  3. Click Update.

Important: The email notification for self-fulfilled products will only be sent if the Self-fulfilled Product Alert Email field is populated in the "Photographer Information" settings screen.

Use the Self-Fulfilled Orders Report to help manage orders containing at least one self-fulfilled product

  • Enable the Self-Fulfilled Orders Report Feature setting in the Photographer Information settings screen.
  • As self-fulfilled orders are placed, they will be added to the Orders containing self-fulfilled products report in the Reports tab.