Google Analytics Setup

Steps for setting up a new Google Analytics account to work with SimplePhoto

These instructions apply to SimplePhoto 2.0 customers.  Please keep in mind that data tracked by Google Analytics takes 24 to 48 hours to appear in Google Analytics reporting.

Setup your Google Analytics account

If you have not already done so, sign up for Google Analytics at

  1. On the Google Analytics "Create New Account" page...
  2. In the "Account Name" field, type your company name.
  3. In the "Website Name" field, enter "SimplePhoto Storefront" (or any other name you'd like to use to refer to your SimplePhoto storefront).
  4. In the "Websites URL" field, enter the "Storefront link" seen on your SimplePhoto Dashboard.  Your storefront link should begin with "https://".
  5. Complete the remaining required fields.
  6. Click the "Get Tracking ID" button.
  7. On the "Tracking Code" page...
  8. Copy or write down the "Tracking ID" value, such as "UA-XXXXXXX-X".
  9. Setup your Google Analytics ID inside your SimplePhoto account.
  10. Click the "Photographer Information" link on your SimplePhoto Dashboard. In the "Google Analytics Tracking ID" field, enter the "Tracking ID" obtained earlier inside Google Analytics. Click the "Update" button.

Your Google Analytics account has now been configured.

In the next few hours, Google will start to make analytics for your SimplePhoto storefront available through Google Analytics reporting.  In order to have folder and event level analytics shown inside your SimplePhoto account, follow the steps below:

Setup Google Analytics to track SimplePhoto folders, galleries, and prepay events

  1. Obtain your "View ID"
  2. Login to Google Analytics and click the "Admin" tab
  3. Click on the "View Settings" link on the right hand side
  4. Save the "View ID" number for entering into SimplePhoto in a later step
  5. Setup "Custom Dimensions" to allow SimplePhoto to store information about folders and galleries
  6. Click the "Admin" tab in Google Analytics
  7. In the "Property" section click the "Custom Definitions" link
  8. Click the "Custom Dimensions" link
  9. Add a new Custom Dimension with the name "SimplePhoto1".  Make sure the "Hit" scope is selected and the "Active" is checked.
  10. Click the "Create" button, then "Done".
  11. Create two more custom dimensions with the names “SimplePhoto 2” and “SimplePhoto3.”
  12. Add the "View ID" to your SimplePhoto account
  13. Click the "Photographer Information" link on your SimplePhoto Dashboard.  In the "Google Analytics View ID" field, enter the "Tracking ID" obtained earlier inside Google Analytics. Click the "Update" button 

Now inside SimplePhoto, Google Analytics reports will appear at the bottom of the Folder Control Panel for folders and the Gallery Control Panel for galleries and prepay events.  To turn off these analytics reports, remove the "Google Analytics View ID" value from the "Photographer Information" setting screen in SimplePhoto.

If you'd like to see more information than the "at-a-glance" view SimplePhoto offers, you'll login to and click on "Custom Reports" to build any reporting options you'd like to see.