Export Email Addresses from a Gallery, Event, or Folder

To export email addresses from a folder:

  1. Login to Simplephoto, click Galleries at the top of your dashboard.
  2. Click Folder Control Panel next to the desired folder.
  3. Click Folder Utilities at the top of the page.
  4. Click the Email Customers button.
  5. Click the green Export Addresses link at the top of the page.
  6. Choose the desired Export File Type using the provided drop-down, then click Export Addresses.

To export email addresses from a specific prepay event or gallery:

  1. Login to Simplephoto, click Galleries at the top of your dashboard.
  2. Click Folder Control Panel next to the applicable folder that contains the desired prepay event or gallery.
  3. Navigate to the prepay event or gallery and click either Gallery Control Panel or Event Control Panel next to the applicable gallery or event.
  4. Click the Email Customers button.
  5. Click the green Export Addresses link at the top of the page.
  6. Choose the desired Export File Type using the provided drop-down, then click Export Addresses.