Yearbook Advisor Links

SimplePhoto studios can send a special link and password to a school's yearbook advisor. This yearbook advisor link allows the yearbook advisor to view a list of galleries in a school folder that have and have not submitted a yearbook pose. Also, the yearbook advisor can submit yearbook pose orders on behalf of students.

To enable this feature, go to the Gallery & Event Settings link on the SimplePhoto Dashboard. Choose the "On" option next to Show Yearbook Advisor links and click the Save Changes button at the bottom.

To see a school folder's yearbook advisor link and password, use the Galleries tab in the SimplePhoto Photographer Control Panel and navigate to the Folder Control Panel for the desired school folder. Click the Folder Utilities button and scroll down to the Yearbook Advisor Link section. If no folder password has been assigned, you will see a Generate Yearbook Advisor Link button. Once you click that button, a password will be assigned to the school folder and the Yearbook Advisor Link will appear at the bottom. 

Just below the Yearbook Advisor Link will appear the Yearbook Advisor password. Please note that the yearbook advisor will need to enter this password in order to gain access to the yearbook advisor site. Please note that if the folder's password is changed, the Yearbook Advisor Link will also change and any old links will become invalid.