Custom Receipt Page Messages

Custom receipt page messages appear on the receipt page screen after a customer places an order and also in the email order receipt sent to the customer. To add a custom receipt page message, follow the instructions below.

Custom Global Gallery Receipt Page Message

Text that appears on the Order Receipt page and email receipts for image galleries.

  1. Click Checkout Settings under the Settings pane on your dashboard.
  2. Under the header for Gallery Checkout Messages, enter a custom message in the textbox next to Gallery Receipt Page Message.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.

Custom Global Prepay Event Receipt Page Message

Text that appears on the Order Receipt page and email receipts for prepay events.

  1. Click Checkout Settings under the Settings pane on your dashboard.
  2. Under the header for Prepay Checkout Messages, enter a custom message in the textbox next to Prepay Event Receipt Message.
  3. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes.

Custom Folder-level Receipt Page Message

Custom folder-level receipt page messages will override any gallery or prepay event global receipt messages. For image galleries, the receipt page message will include the custom folder message only when the first gallery in the order belongs to the folder containing the custom receipt page message. Please note that the "Folder Receipt Page Message" field is only visible if a folder contains galleries or prepay events (not a folder with sub-folders).

  1. Click Galleries at the top of your dashboard.
  2. Navigate to the desired folder and click Folder Control Panel.
  3. Click Edit Folder and enter a custom message in the textbox next to Folder Receipt Page Message.
  4. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and click Update.