Marketing Statistics

Marketing Statistics will allow you to view the date and number of texts and/or emails sent for a marketing campaign related to a gallery, event, folder, specific email/text trigger, or specific scheduled email. For Folder and Gallery/Event-level marketing statistics, you will see the data separated into three categories: texts sent via Text Trigger, emails sent via Email Trigger, and emails sent via Scheduled Email. 

Folder-level Marketing Statistics

  1. Click Galleries at the top of your SimplePhoto dashboard.
  2. Click the Folder Control Panel for the related folder.
  3. Click the Marketing Statistics button near the bottom of the page.

Gallery or Event-level Marketing Statistics

  1. Click Galleries at the top of your SimplePhoto dashboard.
  2. Click the Folder Control Panel for the related folder.
  3. Click the Gallery Control Panel or Event Control Panel for the related gallery or event.
  4. Click Marketing Statistics button near the bottom of the page.

Trigger-level Marketing Statistics

  1. Click Marketing at the top of your SimplePhoto dashboard.
  2. Click Email Triggers or Text Triggers.
  3. Click the Statistics button for the related trigger. You can also view other statistics, such as how many total orders have been placed from this trigger, on the previous screen under each trigger.

Scheduled Email Marketing Statistics

  1. Click Marketing at the top of your SimplePhoto dashboard.
  2. Click Send Emails.
  3. Find the specific scheduled email under Sent Emails.
    Note: Due to the nature of scheduled emails, you will not see a separate screen of statistics for dates/number of emails sent. Information such as how many emails were sent, how many were opened, how many orders were placed from the email, etc. can be found directly on Send Emails screen for each scheduled email.