Text Message Notification Settings

SimplePhoto can send gallery notification text messages when galleries are imported. Also, photographers can send gallery or prepay event links to a single mobile phone number easily through the SimplePhoto Gallery Control Panel. There is no charge for text messages sent for import gallery notifications since this feature is focused on notifying customers that galleries or prepay events are online and not advertising special offers through text messaging.

Customize SMS Message Text

  1. Under the Marketing link, from your dashboard, click Text Message Notification Settings.
  2. Type desired message in the Customize message prefix box. This is the message used for both gallery import notifications and single SMS notifications. Note: There is a 75 character limit on the customizable portion of this message.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Enable Text Message Notifications Upon Gallery Importing

  1. Under the Marketing pane, from your dashboard, click Text Message Notification Settings.
  2. Check “On” next to Send text message when importing to have SimplePhoto automatically send SMS notifications when a gallery is imported. Note: SimplePhoto currently supports the following import types: DP2 Bridge, ImageMatch, Flow, DRUMS, and SPOTS. Please contact us at support@simplephoto.com if you are interested in this feature but you are not sure whether or not support is in place for your uploading method.
  3. Click Save Changes.

Enable Single Text Message Gallery Notifications

  1. Under the Marketing pane, from your dashboard, click Text Message Notification Settings.
  2. Check “On” next to Show text message notification form in Gallery Control Panel.
  3. Click Save Changes.
  4. Click on the Galleries tab at the top of the window.
  5. Navigate to the gallery you would like to send a single SMS notification from.
  6. Click Gallery Control Panel.
  7. Click Manage SMS Notifications.
  8. Type in the desired mobile phone number to whom the gallery notification will be sent in the box located under the Send Single Text Message Gallery Notification.
  9. Click Send Text Message.

Note: Customers can currently unsubscribe from text messages by sending us any message at all containing one of the following words: cancel, end, quit, stop, or unsubscribe. We will still continue sending text messages for digital download orders if a customer opts-in to receive a link via text even if their number is unsubscribed from other notifications.